This January the SGC is going to hold its annual meeting in person and on-line. Known as hybrid-Zoom, those of you who are ready to risk the perils of meeting in person are invited to come to the Senior Room at the TAB building on January 11 at 7:00 pm. And those of you who prefer the perils of your own homes, log in to attend virtually on the same date and time. Past annual meetings were an opportunity to celebrate together the club’s activities and achievements of the prior year. Somewhat in keeping with that, this year we’re looking back three years to 2020 – and celebrating our successes surviving and thriving despite COVID. There won’t be a raffle or a pot luck dinner. But be prepared to be entertained: Test your garden knowledge in a team trivia match, learn why gardening is better than sex, and when houseplant appreciation day is celebrated. And most importantly, come support the SGC in this evening’s experiment towards getting back closer to “normal.”
January 11, 2023 Hybrid Meeting – Annual Meeting
January 5, 2023