On Wednesday, April 14, the Somerville Garden Club will sponsor a program on the basics of soil and soil preparation. Just in time for spring planting, Frank Koll, certified landcare professional, will discuss organic soil principles for any garden or lawn activity. The meeting is 7:00-9:00PM at 167 Holland St., second floor. All are welcome.
Using organic methods defined by NOFA and the Ecological Landscaping Association, homeowners can create landscapes without the need for herbicides or toxic chemicals. The presentation will include up to date information on soil and its components, structure and texture, and an explanation of the soil triangle. Resources for soil testing and an explanation of results will be covered. Soil amendments, compost tea and compost topdressing will be described, along with water conserving practices.
Anyone attending this meeting might want to bring a sample of soil from their own garden:
Fill a small mayonnaise or jam jar (could be glass or clear plastic), half full of soil. Bring the sample to the meeting and Frank will lead us through the ‘finger soil test’ to determine the type of soil you have.
Frank Koll is an EPA WaterSense Partner with certifications in Landscape Irrigation Auditor and Irrigation System Installation and Maintenance. His company, GreenScapes & Lawn Services Inc., provides clients detailed recommendations on efficiencies and /or retrofits to systems for achieving savings in cost and resources, such as system analysis or audits, installation of low flow irrigation or rainwater systems, storm water management or all of the above.